CAT SIGNAL! Reset the Net is June 5th
Dear Fight for the Future member,
So much to tell! So little time.
In just two days, we will Reset the Net and take the first steps toward blocking illegitimate government surveillance from the web. Momentum is growing – just today Google, Mozilla, CloudFlare, and dozens of other major sites announced they’ll be joining our effort to secure the web.
And, we got word of an extra exciting announcement coming from Edward Snowden himself.
More on that soon. Here’s what you can do to help us keep up the momentum right now:
Everyone – join this social media Thunderclap today to help tell your friends and family to secure their part of the web on June 5th:
Click here to join the Thunderclap!
It only takes a second – you can sign up with your Twitter, Facebook, or Tumblr to join a huge simultaneous social media post on June 5th and promote free, open source privacy tools to your friends and family.
Got a website, blog, or tumblr? We’re raising the Internet Defense League’s “Cat Signal!” Get the code now to run the Reset the Net splash screen or banner to help make privacy viral on June 5th:
Click here to get the code for your site.

Tomorrow we’ll be launching the Reset the Net privacy pack where normal Internet users will find free, easy to use encryption tools that directly disrupt dragnet surveillance. There are so many other exciting announcements flying around right now that it’s hard to keep track of them all but if you’re interested, check out the links below.
FFTF is a tiny team and we’ve been working day and night on this. We’re exhausted, but we’re grinning ear to ear right now, folks. You’ve helped us build the beginnings of a movement that will alter the course of history. We’re humbled, and so, so excited for Thursday.
More soon,
The whole FFTF team
Evan, Tiffiniy, Holmes, Kevin, Vasjen, and Jessica
Reset the Net updates! June 3rd, 2014
Here’s just a tiny taste of what’s happening:
Reset the Net has been in the news already! We were on the frontpage of The Guardian yesterday and NBC news embedded our video.
Namecheap is making it easy for anyone with a website to reset the net by offering secure SSL domains for $1.99, with a portion of the proceeds donated to FFTF to help support campaigns like Reset the Net!
Google jumped on board with Reset the Net today and started promoting our effort to encrypt the web. And Mozilla Firefox joined our Thunderclap. You should too! Plus, Cloudflare is going to push out a version of our splash screen to their users!
reddit announced that they’ll be helping Reset the Net by running free ads to promote privacy software! You can suggest cool tools for them to promote here.
BoingBoing, iFixit, TechDirt, Public Knowledge, and dozens of other sites just announced they are going to switch to SSL by default, to protect their readers’ privacy.
The Reform Government Surveillance coalition – aka the biggest companies on the web – are joining Reset the Net and will run the splash screen on June 5th.
The biggest and most epic announcements are yet to come! Follow us on Twitter or Facebook to make sure you don’t miss something important!