We landed our first punch.

Dear Fight for the Future member,
We know how to fight the NSA. Finally.
It’s been one year since the Snowden leaks and, with Reset the Net, I feel like we just landed our first real punch, and got our first real result. Now the question is: can we keep fighting?
Reset the Net worked so well. Huge services like Tumblr, WordPress, and Sendgrid announced new encryption that–thanks to Snowden–we know makes spying harder. Meanwhile, thousands of sites (including Minecraft, one of the world’s most-downloaded games) drove downloads of encrypted calling and texting tools all day on Thursday.
Not a techie? Well, to the NSA, that means our private conversations will increasingly look like this: “I9XJKigrOgyymB1oEtF37xoKDzXuS5NbbRGT5Rq4GA1VCJYC”
The scale of what we’re achieving is just staggering. Sendgrid alone delivers billions of emails each month. Now, those emails are encrypted, safer.
So we can’t stop now, but this is intense work! Last week was a huge lift for our small team. We think we can get dozens, maybe hundreds more huge sites to step up. But to do it, we’ll need a full-time organizer: someone to approach sites, convince them to join, and plan more days of action. Can you donate to keep Reset the Net going?
Yes, I’ll donate to a strategy that’s winning against NSA mass surveillance.
Our tiny organization is facing a battle on two fronts. We are finally making dents in the NSA’s surveillance system, but meanwhile America’s cable monopolies are attacking the fundamental principles of the open Internet–the ones that make campaigns like this possible. Alone, either of these would be the fight of our lives. Together, it’s almost more than we can handle.
But we think we can do both, and we have to: each win means so much. Reset the Net was 6 months of work. Now that the campaign structure is in place, we just need to keep adding sites to our roster, and encouraging sites who’ve already joined to keep pushing the envelope. We don’t need expensive design or development help, just one driven full-time organizer. Someone who can keep nudging this snowball forward, until it becomes an avalanche. Can you pitch in?
Yes, I’ll donate to a strategy that’s shutting down NSA mass surveillance, piece by piece.
This is what victory looks like. Sincerely,
Evan, Holmes, Tiffiniy and the whole Fight for the Future team
P.S. We are serious. If this email goes well we are hiring an organizer right now. Interested? Reply with links to work you’ve done.