Stand Against Spying: now we know who to blame for runaway government surveillance

Dear Fight for the Future member,
After our last email about how all of you helped – against great odds – get critical Amendments passed that limit U.S. government surveillance, many of you wrote to us with one question: how did my lawmakers vote?
With our friends at EFF and a dozen other organizations, we’ve created a handy scorecard that grades members of U.S. Congress based on what they’ve been doing (or often haven’t been doing) to protect our privacy in the face of out of control government monitoring.
Now we know who to blame for the mess that we’re in, and who’s been taking steps to get us out of it.
The campaign is called “Stand Against Spying” and it’s gaining support from the left, right and center. We’ve made it easy for U.S. citizens to find out how their representatives voted and contact them to express their opinions. But this affects everyone, not just those in the U.S., so there’s also a simple tool allowing anyone to sign on to an open letter to the Whitehouse.
Click here to take your stand against spying.
It seems like every day we learn more about the dirty secrets our governments have been keeping about how they spy on us. We need to fight with every tool in the toolbox. We’ll continue to work daily to secure the web through technology, and we’ll hold our leaders to account by demanding they do everything in their power to end the bulk collection of our private phone and internet data.
Stay tuned for exciting announcements about Reset the Net later this month.
-Tiffiniy, Holmes, Evan, and Kevin
Fight for the Future
P.S. If you can, please chip in $5 (or whatever you’ve got!) to support our ongoing work to keep the Internet awesome?