We’re fighting to win
Dear Fight for the Future members.
We had a huge showing for real net neutrality last week – more than 1 million people submitted comments to the FCC, and millions more spoke out through petitions, phone calls, oh yeah, and by camping out on the FCC’s doorstep.
Our tiny team of staff and volunteers worked round the clock on Battleforthenet.com in the days leading up to the comment deadline, and when the dust settled we had personally delivered 130,000 comments to the FCC in just 3 days. That’s more than 1/3 of all the comments delivered during that time!
I’m so proud of all of you. Our little organization is giving these Big Cable bullies a run for their money!
But with the kind of money they’ve got, we can’t afford to just keep fighting, we’ve got to take this to the next level and get the whole Internet organized for a crucial day of action this September before the FCC’s decision.
Please chip in today to help us win the battle for net neutrality.
Last year, corporations that oppose net neutrality spent more than $1.4 million EVERY WEEK on lobbying. [1] That’s more than Fight for the Future’s entire yearly budget. For two years!
We’ve been winning campaigns since SOPA on the same formula: we keep our team small and our costs low, we focus on strategy, and we’re not afraid to say what must be said and go all out when the time is right.
This Fall the FCC will either decide to protect the Internet or fundamentally break it. We’re going to do everything in our power to make sure the people win. Will you help?
Please click here to donate what you can.
The most exciting thing about this fight is that we’re not just trying to stop a bad bill like SOPA. If we succeed in getting the FCC to reclassify the Internet and enact real net neutrality, we’ll be protecting the Internet as a platform for the public good for generations to come.
Thanks for all you’ve done. More soon.
-Tiffiniy, Evan, Holmes, and the whole FFTF team
P.S. If you donated (or if you can’t donate, or if you hate fundraising emails) here’s the coolest cat on the Internet.
[1] Sunlight Foundation. How telecoms and cable have dominated net neutrality lobbying. http://sunlightfoundation.com/blog/2014/05/16/how-telecoms-and-cable-have-dominated-net-neutrality-lobbying/