Be a part of the great Internet Slowdown

On September 10th, just a few days before the FCC’s net neutrality comment deadline, internet users and tech companies will unite for the “Internet Slowdown” to show the world what’s at stake if we lose net neutrality, the “First Amendment of the Internet.”
We need everyone’s help right now to make this huge. Here’s what you can do right now to help make the Internet Slowdown go viral:
1. Forward this post to your friends and share the image with your social networks using the buttons above. We need people across the web to know about the slowdown so they can join on September 10th.
2. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook so we can reach you with urgent updates and action items as the big day approaches.
3. If you can, please chip in $10 (or more!) to help make the Internet Slowdown possible. We’re building tools that any website or organization can use to promote their own net neutrality action, because we care about the movement. But it’s not cheap! Help us sustain this critical work.
4. Contact your favorite websites, apps, and online services and ask them to join the Slowdown! Send them to this page:
5. If you have your own website or app, put the Internet Slowdown widget on it. If you really want to be an Internet Defender, help out by using your own website to spread the word. It’s as easy as adding the widget/modal code found here: