MEDIA ADVISORY: Net neutrality activists plan ‘Party at the FCC’ and nationwide protests Thursday
Media Advisory
November 12th, 2014
Evan Greer, Fight for the Future, 978-852-6457
Kevin Huang, Fight for the Future, 510-648-5048
Net neutrality activists escalate campaign, call for dance party at FCC headquarters and nationwide protests demanding full Title II reclassification without delay
WASHINGTON, DC – On Thursday, November 13th, net neutrality activists are hosting “Party at the FCC”, a protest dance party outside the agency’s headquarters in Washington, DC, with satellite protests in cities across the country. Buoyed by President Obama’s recent statement for real net neutrality and the 30 nationwide protests across the country last week, activists are demanding that the FCC move swiftly and not delay enacting strong net neutrality rules that protect Internet users from censorship and discrimination.
See an updated map and list of protests planned here:
See the Facebook event and flyer for #PartyAtTheFCC here:
WHAT: #PartyAtTheFCC: Outdoor dance party at FCC Headquarters in Washington, DC and nationwide solidarity protests calling for the FCC to enact net neutrality without delay
WHEN: November 13th, 2014, 6PM local time
WHERE: 445 12th St. SW, Washington, DC 20554; And other cities including:

WHY: To demand that the FCC stop stalling on rules that ban discriminatory “fastlanes” and listen to the 4 million Americans and thousands of businesses who’ve called for real net neutrality through Title II reclassification.
WHO: The protests are supported by Fight for the Future,, Free Press, Demand Progress, and several other grassroots organizations in collaboration with millions of online supporters.
BACKGROUND: Nearly 4 million Americans (alongside companies like Reddit, Tumblr, Netflix, and Google) have spoken out against discriminatory fast lanes and for real net neutrality. September’s #InternetSlowdown protest rallied over 40,000 websites and drove 312,000 calls to Congress and more than 700,000 comments to the FCC. This week, President Obama declared strong support for Title II reclassification, a statement that has been called for by Internet users for months. This recent success speaks to Internet users ability to organize for net neutrality over the past year, including several mass online actions, as well as the Occupy the FCC encampment, during which demonstrators camped outside the FCC for 10 days.
Fight for the Future works to excite the Internet to fight for the public good, our basic rights and freedoms. Founded in 2011, we’re known for effective, viral organizing and mass engagement through the distributed organizing platforms we’ve built, including the SOPA protests in the winter of 2011-2012 and the Internet Defense League. For more information, visit or our Facebook and Twitter pages.