The FCC is holding a meeting and net neutrality is not on the agenda. Join us for a protest!

FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler has delayed a vote on Net Neutrality until 2015 — and he’s probably hoping the public scrutiny will fade by then.
Guess what: It won’t. And to make sure he knows it, we’re showing up in person at the agency’s final meeting of the year to remind Wheeler that we’re #StillWatching him and will keep making noise until the FCC protects the open Internet.
We need you there next Thursday: All you need to do is grab some props (like oversized specs or a magnifying glass) and show up to join in the fun.
Here are the details:
What: Rally to Save the Internet: Net Neutrality Now
When: Thurs., Dec. 11, 9–10 a.m.
Where: Outside FCC headquarters, 445 12th St. SW, Washington, D.C.
RSVP: Click here to tell us you’re coming and invite your friends.
Bring: A magnifying glass/specs and a sign calling for Title II, your cell phone, tablet, or laptop with loaded!
At 10am toward the end of the rally, meet at the back of the protest on the sidewalk on 12th street with other net neutrality supporters who will be going inside the meeting and holding their phones silently in protest. Follow @fightfortheftr on the day of for updates.
Wheeler claims he needs more time to mull over Net Neutrality— but you and I both know that he has all the info he needs right now to reclassify Internet-access service under Title II. And there should be no doubt in his mind that reclassifying under Title II is the only way to protect the open Internet.
Join us on Dec. 11 to demand Net Neutrality now—
Please RSVP if you can make it, and if not, please invite any friends you have in the area!
Thanks for all you do,
-Evan at FFTF