Fight for the Future

We’ll keep this brief. Comcast is in attack mode, right now. We need you to fight back.

Team Cable’s allies in Congress are advancing two bills that would overrule the FCC and kill our dream for real net neutrality [1]. Hearings are happening TODAY, at this very moment.

Click here to call the committee members, right now and tell them to stop standing in the way of real net neutrality. We need *everyone* to do this.

This was Comcast’s big play all along: if they lose the FCC, get Congress to do the dirty work. Now it’s happening. There are two fake net neutrality bills in motion that wouldn’t stop cable companies from discriminating against certain sites, but would block the FCC from enforcing real rules.

Hearings run all day. The House hearings start at 10am, and the Senate at 2pm.

How awesome would it be if while they’re at these bogus hearings, they get panicked texts from staff about the HUGE number of pro-net neutrality calls? That’s what we’re shooting for. Can you call now?

Also, since there’s really a lot of calls to make, we’re trying something special. if you call all 10 targets, the 11th call goes to my personal cell phone, where I’ll thank you personally.

Will you do it? If so, talk to you soon! 🙂

Holmes Wilson (and the entire team)
Fight for the Future

P.S. If you’re interested, we’re live streaming the hearings at all day. Watch them, and dig in on Twitter.

