Fight for the Future

March 12, 2015

Contact: Evan Greer, Fight for the Future
Phone: 978-852-6457

Fight for the Future statement on release of FCC’s historic net neutrality rules: “The public made this happen.”

WASHINGTON, DC––Today the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) released the full text of their historic decision to protect the openness of the Internet through strong net neutrality rules that prevent Internet service providers from blocking, throttling, or discriminating against Internet content.

Fight for the Future, a digital rights group that has been at the forefront of securing net neutrality, released the following statement, which can be attributed to campaign director Evan Greer.

The rules released today are 313 pages of fiery justice reining in some of the most abusive and powerful institutions in our country. Every single word of these rules is a direct result of the millions of people who spoke out and took action on this issue, from the brave activists who slept out in sleeping bags in front of the FCC to to the millions of ordinary people who took the time to submit a comment, call their member of Congress, or take action online using the many tools that the open Internet provided. This unprecedented victory could not have been won without the game-changing democratic openness of the Internet, and that’s exactly what this fight, and these rules, are intended to protect. Together, we have preserved the Internet as a platform for freedom of expression for generations to come, and a a revolutionary tool that can be used by all those who seek to change the world.

Fight for the Future, a group that was founded in the lead up to the fight against SOPA, have been one of the most active groups in the net neutrality fight and along with a broad coalition were lead organizers of Occupy the FCC, the Internet Slowdown protest,, nationwide emergency protests, and the victory stunt last month where they worked with others to fly an airplane over Comcast headquarters towing a banner that read “Don’t mess with the Internet.” The group has been widely quoted in major press including the New York Times. For more on Fight for the Future’s role, see this recent Bloomberg TV interview with campaign director Evan Greer.
