URGENT: Senate votes tomorrow to advance “Fast Track” for the TPP

The Senate is voting TOMORROW to advance Fast Track for the Trans-Pacific Partnership. The vote is going to be close and we need everyone to contact their Senators right now and demand they oppose Fast Tracking Internet censorship.
Everyone has said that we have no hope of stopping Fast Track in the Senate — that the House is our only hope. But after the last few weeks, it’s looking more and more like we can stop Fast Track in the Senate.
If we can win in the Senate tomorrow, it’d be a huge victory for the Internet. It would set back plans for the Trans-Pacific Partnership months, if not kill it entirely.
Click here to take action now and let’s stop this secret trade deal.
Evan at FFTF
Learn more:
1. http://www.theguardian.com/media-network/2015/may/08/trans-pacific-partnership-obama-irony