Fight for the Future

A video from October 15th has recently emerged showing Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) seemingly confused by a question about the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act, and admitting that he has not yet read the bill, which is currently on the Senate floor and expected to come to a crucial vote within days.

View the video here:

“I will confess that that is not a bill that I have studied,” Cruz responded when asked by an audience member about the controversial bill at an event in Kalona, Iowa. He went on to express that he has privacy concerns about data collection “across the board” but reiterated “I have not examined that particular bill.”

Fight for the Future co-founder Tiffiniy Cheng had this to say in response to the video, “Ted Cruz’s confused response about CISA underscores the fact that Congress has no clue what they are voting on, and even less of a clue how to actually address critical cybersecurity issues. Security experts, tech companies who actually deal with cyber attacks, and privacy advocates all agree this bill is not only flawed but dangerous. I sincerely hope that Ted Cruz and the rest of Congress can take some time out of their busy campaigning schedules to actually read this bill before they vote on it.”

Feel free to reach out to us for more. We’re working on getting a version of the video up on YouTube to make it easier to embed.


-Evan at FFTF

P.S. I am still traveling – I have access to email but if you need to reachout by phone call my colleague Holmes Wilson at 614-465-6371