Fight for the Future

Tomorrow, Tuesday, October 27, the European Parliament is set to adopt net neutrality rules that threaten the open Internet in Europe. The rules have significant problems and are much weaker than the rules that the current rules in the US.

Fortunately, it’s not too late to change course. Members of Parliament can still secure meaningful network neutrality for Europe — if they adopt key amendments on Tuesday. But we need a huge public outcry to make that happen.

Can you call your representative today and urge them to adopt the amendments? Click here to make a call!

Can’t call?  Click here to send them an email:

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A broad and growing coalition supports the amendments. It includes European and international digital rights organizations Initiative Netzfreiheit, Edri, La Quadature du Net, Digitale Gesellschaft, Bits of Freedom, and others, international digital rights organizations Access Now, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Reporters without Freedom, US digital rights organizations Demand Progress, Fight for the Future, Free Press, the Future of Music Coalition, which represents musicians, Engine Advocacy, which represents start-ups, EU and US start-ups and technology companies like BitTorrent, Etsy, Kickstarter, Tumblr, Reddit, Soundcloud, Netflix, Vimeo, and other leading venture capitalists from Europe and the US, as well German media authorities.

Want to learn more? Click here to learn more about the problems with the rules.