Fight for the Future

The text below appears on a “Formal Charge Sheet” provided to Chelsea Manning by U.S. Army Officials. It was dictated in full over the phone to a supporter. Inquiries, contact:



Charge: Resisting the FCMT (Causing the FCMT to be activated)
Category: ACC(pp) CAT IV
Specification: On 5 July 2016, at approximately 01:00, you attempted to commit suicide, resulting in the activation of the Force Cell Move Team. You are violation of ACC Policy Letter 16 (link), any action taken that causes the FCMT to be activated, even if it is not used, is a Category IV offense. (CAT IV, V)

Charge: Conduct which threatens
Category: ACC(m) CAT IV
Specification: On 5 July 2016 your intentional actions caused a double pals activation and cease movement order which interfered with the good order, safety, and running of the facility. You are in violation of ACC Policy Letter 16,  which prohibits any conduct which interferes with the orderly running, safety, good order and discipline, or security of the facility. (CAT IV)

Charge: Prohibited Property
Category: ACC(mm) CAT III
Specification: On 5 July 2016, after an inspection of your cell, you were found to be in possession of an unmarked book. You are in violation of ACC Policy Letter 16 because anything not specifically authorized by proper authorities to be in a prisoner’s possession is prohibited. Prisoners must obtain and receive written permission from the Facility Commander, or authorized representative, to possess any item not authorized by facility policy or staff. Any item not specifically authorized and found in a prisoner’s possession will be considered prohibited property. Possession of prohibited property obtained from trash receptacles, or that which was discarded in any other way by prisoners and staff is prohibited. Property that has been altered from its original form without facility authorization will be considered prohibited property. (CAT III)

I acknowledge I have read, or have had read to me, the above charges on:

CHELSEA’S SIGNATURE                                            9 – Sep – 2016 (handwritten)

MCC Form 67-2 7-Sep-14