Following Congress’ attack on Internet privacy, Fight for the Future launches #GetSafe guide to help average internet users protect themselves online

Contact: Evan Greer, 978-852,6457,
Digital rights group Fight for the Future has launched a new online resource called #GetSafe, a simple guide that helps average Internet users take the most important steps toward protecting the personal information stored on their phones, tablets, and computers.
The release of the new tool comes on the heels of Congress voting to slash Internet privacy rules and allow Internet Service Providers to collect and sell their customer’s information.
“This vote in Congress is just the latest attack on our basic right to privacy and our ability to use the Internet safely,” said Laila Abdelaziz, a campaigner at Fight for the Future, “many of us are already extremely vulnerable to corporate and government spying, hackers and identity thieves.”
Fortunately, there are simple things that everyone can and should be doing to protect themselves and their loved ones,” she continued, “we launched #GetSafe to make these practices easy and accessible to everyone, regardless of how technologically savvy they are.”
See the #GetSafe resource here:
The tool functions like an online quiz, asking the user a series of simple questions about their digital security habits, and making basic recommendations about how to set a strong password for your phone and computer, how to switch to free encrypted text messaging services, and how to run a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to make it much harder for your Internet service provider to spy on your web browsing activity.
The launch of the #GetSafe tool comes as Fight for the Future is already making headlines about plans to unleash billboards listing the names of lawmakers who voted to strike down the FCC’s Internet privacy rules. The group has also launched an online petition calling for President Trump to veto the measure.
Fight for the Future is best known for their role organizing the massive online protests against SOPA, the Stop Online Piracy Act, and continues to organize many of the largest protests in the history of the Internet. They’ve led high profile campaigns to help win net neutrality protections, and organized the campaign against government surveillance, which was supported by hundreds of major websites and endorsed by Edward Snowden. Over the summer, they organized the high profile Rock Against the TPP tour featuring many celebrities and well known musicians. Learn more