Net neutrality supporters descend on DC to meet with lawmakers, oppose FCC plan to gut Title II

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 25, 2017
Contact: Evan Greer,, 978-852-6457
Dozens of Internet users from across the country are traveling to the Capitol to meet directly with Congress about Internet freedom
WASHINGTON, DC – More than 60 Internet users traveling from as far away as Alaska, California, Kansas, and Utah are participating in a unique advocacy effort this Wednesday, September 27 descending on the U.S. capitol not for a rally but to meet directly with their Senators and Representatives in support of Title II net neutrality protections.
The participants, recruited through an online campaign spread through email and social media include small business owners, students, IT professionals, startup founders, single parents, and people from a wide range of political perspectives and representing more than 20 states. Fight for the Future launched a crowdfunding page where net neutrality supporters who couldn’t attend the meetings in DC could chip in to help cover travel costs for others who need assistance.
“The companies trying to kill net neutrality are spending millions on lobbyists who are hitting the Hill constantly to spread fear and misinformation,” said Evan Greer, campaign director of Fight for the Future, “Internet users, entrepreneurs, and small business owners have such critically important stories to tell about how Title II net neutrality protections directly impact their basic rights and their ability to put food on the table. Tomorrow, we’re harnessing the power of the Internet to make sure that those stories are heard over the noise of the telecom lobby.”
“A free and open internet is the lifeblood of small business in America, and Net Neutrality as protected in Title II, is what guarantees that the internet remains free and open,” said Sean Frame, who runs a video production company in California and is traveling to DC to participate in the meetings, “My business, and the businesses of my clients cannot survive if we are placed in the internet slow-lane while larger competitors buy faster access.”
Lesley Perg, who is traveling from Minnesota, said, “I am a PhD climate scientist on the American Care Act, an avid backpacker in our National Parks, and I tutor mainly immigrants and people of color in Adult Basic Education and Citizenship. A free and open internet is imperative for a functioning democracy, and if we give away our infrastructure now, I believe it will be difficult to impossible to overturn in the future. Net Neutrality underlies all the causes that are important to me – that’s how I picked my battle.”
“As a small business owner net neutrality is very important to me to make sure I can compete against large corporations,” added Alison Stanton, who is traveling from Illinois, “ I’m scared I wouldn’t be able to reach potential customers if we lose net neutrality because it would be too expensive to communicate with them.”
In addition to Fight for the Future, organizations supporting the Day of Advocacy include Public Knowledge, Center for Media Justice, Common Cause, EFF, Consumers union, Free Press, and Writers Guild of America West.