Fight for the Future

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 20, 2017
Contact: Evan Greer,, 978-852-6457

Fight for the Future and the Open Observatory of Network Interference (OONI) release tool to fight censorship and throttling

As pressure mounts on Congress to overturn the FCC’s deeply unpopular vote to end net neutrality using the Congressional Review Act (CRA), open Internet activists are unleashing a new tool for Internet users to test their Internet connection and collectively help catch Internet Service Providers in the act if they’re meddling with Internet speeds or engaging in censorship.

See a page about the app here:

“Internet users aren’t as gullible as Comcast and Verizon seem to think we are. We know they’ve been lobbying for the right to violate net neutrality and we know we can’t trust them. Now every Internet user will have a tool to  start to transparently measure their ISPs behavior,” said Evan Greer, campaign director of Fight for the Future (pronouns: she/hers), “With enough of us running these tests and sounding the alarm when there are violations, we can hold back the worst abuses while we fight to overturn the FCC’s illegitimate vote.”

The app, available on both Android and iPhone, enables a user to:

  • Measure the speed and performance of their network
  • Measure video streaming performance‍
  • Check whether and how websites are blocked
  • Find systems that could be responsible for censorship or surveillance

The tool was developed by the nonprofit Open Observatory of Network Interference (OONI) and is being spread to Internet users in partnership with Fight for the Future, a leading net neutrality advocacy group. 

Learn more at
