Fight for the Future calls for immediate release of Chelsea Manning

Contact: Evan Greer, 978-852-6457,
Whistleblower has been jailed for principled opposition to secretive Grand Jury process
Whistleblower and human rights advocate Chelsea Manning has just been thrown back in prison for mounting a principled opposition to testifying before a Grand Jury. Digital rights group Fight for the Future, which has long supported Chelsea and led many campaigns demanding her release from prison, issued the following statement, which can be attributed to Deputy Director, Evan Greer (pronouns: she/her):
“Chelsea Manning is a brave, kind, and principled person who has suffered immensely at the hands of the US government simply for speaking out and standing up for human rights. We unequivocally condemn the decision to jail her for continuing to stand on her convictions and mounting a principled opposition to testifying before a Grand Jury.
Grand Juries have frequently been used as secretive tools to punish, harass, and entrap activists. There is a long and important history of resisting these acts of government overreach. Chelsea is one of the most principled people I have ever met. Punishing her with more prison time is not going to change her decision –– it will simply cause her more unnecessary suffering.
Officials must reverse this decision and release Chelsea Manning immediately.”
Fight for the Future encourages journalists and supporters to follow @ResistsChelsea and @xychelsea for updates. See Chelsea’s official statement here.