Fight for the Future

Prominent digital rights group has launched a new campaign opposing efforts by employers to spy on their employees whether they’re working from home or in warehouses 

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In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, an increasing number of companies across America are subjecting their remote workers to surveillance technology like always-on webcamskeystroke logging, and software that alerts employers when their employees print out their resumes from their home computers. Companies like Amazon have also increased surveillance of workers in their warehouses. These companies might try to justify spying on their workers as a way to ensure productivity or accountability, but the reality is that workplace surveillance is yet one more way for employers to exert an unreasonable amount of control over their employees. Such actions are certain to lead to even greater exploitation and discrimination of workers.

To prevent the spread of these invasive, digital spying tools, human rights organization Fight for the Future has launched a new campaign and website,

“It’s beyond creepy for our bosses to have the ability to turn on our webcams and see what’s happening in our homes at all times, plain and simple,” said Dayton Young, Director of Product at Fight for the Future (pronouns he/him). “There’s simply no need to monitor every keystroke we make and every file we print out from our personal devices. This type of voyeuristic access into our personal lives is going to be abused by employers to discriminate against their workers, pressure employees into unhealthy behavior, and prevent workers from organizing for better conditions. Let’s stop these intrusive practices before they go any further.”
