Fight for the Future

CONTACT:, 978-852-6457

On Thursday, July 23rd, digital rights organization Fight for the Future will livestream a press conference with Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) on the EARN IT Act. 

Fight for the Future has written a letter against the EARN IT Act, a new bill that threatens online encryption and free speech. The letter went viral, with more than 592,000 people calling on their lawmakers to oppose the dangerous EARN IT Act. Fight for the Future will be symbolically handing off the letters to Senator Wyden and asking him to lead the Congressional opposition to the EARN IT Act. 

Senator Wyden and representatives from Fight for the Future will be joined by members of other non-profit organizations to discuss the impact of the EARN IT Act on digital rights and ecommerce, including:

  • Ashkhen Kazaryan, Director of Civil Liberties at TechFreedom 
  • Kate D’Adamo, Political Organizer at Hacking//Hustling
  • Mark Stanley, Director of Communications and Operations at Demand Progress

The press conference will be livestreamed on beginning at 2:30pm on Thursday, July 23rd. Members of the press are encouraged to join the livestream and ask questions following the letter delivery. To participate, please email for more information.