Fight for the Future

Comment deadline is Thursday, September 17th at midnight EST! Click here to submit your comment now. 

Politicians in Washington, DC are in a panic about Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. Both Democrats and Republicans have taken aim at this obscure piece of legislation, which has been called the “26 words that created the Internet.” The only problem is that they have absolutely no clue what they’re talking about. And messing with Section 230 in the ways they’re suggesting could force tens of thousands of websites to shut down, silence the voices of millions of people, and open the floodgates for widespread censorship of our videos, memes, selfies, blogs, and social media posts.

But now the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has launched an official public comment period on a White House executive order that would shred Section 230 and turn the agency, and its boss Ajit Pai, into online speech police. If you think social media companies’ moderation policies are bad now, just wait til government bureaucrats are in charge of it.

The good news is that this executive order is so poorly written, and so blatantly violates the First Amendment, that even Ajit Pai has signaled that he’s against it. So we can still stop this. The FCC deadline for “reply” comments is September 17th. Enemies of Internet freedom ranging from telecom monopolies like AT&T to anti-LGBTQ hate groups have already flooded the agency with hundreds of comments supporting the misguided idea of gutting Section 230. But there’s still time for real people like you and me to submit comments and make our voices heard. If we don’t, politicians will point to the comment docket to justify their next attack on our Internet freedom.

Click here to submit your comment to the FCC to stop the “Censor the Internet executive order. Then share this video everywhere to educate your friends.