Fight for the Future

For immediate release: August 5, 2024


Breaking news: in a groundbreaking ruling, a Federal judge has declared that Google’s search business constitutes a monopoly and that the company violated antitrust laws. 

Fight for the Future has been a leading voice calling for antitrust action to break up Big Tech monopolies and end their abusive anti-competitive practices. Our director, Evan Greer (she/her) is available for interviews, and issued the following statement you are welcome to quote from:

“Google is a monopoly. And corporate surveillance is at the root of their monopoly power. Today’s court decision is great step toward ending Big Tech’s rein of terror and breaking the stranglehold that monopolies like Google have over the Internet. But legal action alone won’t be enough. We urgently need lawmakers to pass strong antitrust and privacy legislation to crack down on Big Tech giants. While unconstitutional censorship bills like KOSA and age verification laws continue to stall out or fail in court, we have a clear path forward to take on Big Tech by focusing on regulating data harvesting and monopoly abuse rather than attempting to put the government in control of online speech.”

Fight for the Future built and, and has employed a range of creative tactics to keep the spotlight antitrust bills like AICOA and OAMA. We’ve combating Big Tech’s spending blitz with a billboard truck playing the John Oliver segment about the bills outside Schumer’s residences, and flying a plane over crowded New York beaches on Labor Day with a banner reading “SCHUMER: HELP NY WORKERS, NOT BIG TECH.”

Fight for the Future will continue advocating for strong antitrust, privacy, and algorithmic justice legislation, while pushing back against “Bad Internet Bills” like KOSA, the EARN IT Act, and other measures that would harm human rights while entrenching Big Tech monopolies. 
