#AntitrustDay gains momentum: growing coalition of civil society, small businesses, and tech companies set for Day of Action this Monday
Google and Amazon caught astroturfing “grassroots” small business opposition to antitrust bills
Statement: Attacks on self-hosted wallets are attacks on privacy and the right to code
Celebrities come together to raise funds for Fight for the Future’s 10th Anniversary
Tech Companies and Civil Society are Coming Together for a Day of Action
Biden’s cybersecurity order shows how out of touch and dangerous the EARN IT Act is
Statement: Fight for the Future calls for Biden administration to center human rights and consumer protection as it studies crypto markets
Activists and artists shut down Amazon palm scanning at Red Rocks Amphitheater
Congress should listen to sex workers before changing Section 230 again
Let’s go! Historic nominees to the FCC and FTC just moved forward. Senate leadership should schedule a floor vote ASAP.
Statement in support of rights-preserving technologies amidst situation in Ukraine
To address the harm of Big Tech, Congress should regulate surveillance and algorithmic discrimination, not speech.
Fight for the Future statement on Proctorio’s attempt to silence critics through legal bullying
BREAKING: under pressure from activists & lawmakers, IRS drops plan to use facial recognition
Letter to Democratic Leadership: Remove Senator Cantwell as chair of Commerce
Lawmakers need to shelve the EARN IT Act before they get someone killed
Groups Call on IRS to Dump and Reject All Facial Recognition
BREAKING: Telecom lobby loses (again) in California net neutrality case
Surveillance advertising is the root of Big Tech monopoly power. Ban it.
Statement on financial censorship provision in America COMPETES Act