Digital rights activists call for “justice” after financial services company Robinhood steals from the poor and gives to the rich
70+ Civil Rights and Social Justice Organizations Warn Against Repealing or Making Overbroad Changes to Section 230 in Wake of Capitol Attack
Letter from 70+ human rights and social justice groups opposing repeal of or overbroad changes to Section230
Biden presses pause on FinCEN’s disastrous cryptocurrency regulation, but new threats loom
FinCEN caves to public pressure, extends the comment period for its dangerous cryptocurrency surveillance proposal
You Can’t Stop Fascism by Limiting Basic Rights: Our Stance
“This is a shit show:” US Treasury’s effort to enact cryptocurrency surveillance riddled with inaccuracy and obfuscation
If Democrats control the Senate they have no excuse: restore net neutrality, ban facial recognition, protect Section 230, end Big Tech data harvesting, and defend online human rights
BREAKING: Mitch McConnell files bill to repeal Section 230 entirely, tries to tie it to $2,000 stimulus checks
Digital rights group fights back against FinCEN’s sneak-attack on cryptocurrencies and privacy rights
Congress only has $600 for COVID relief but they managed to cram in controversial changes to copyright that threaten Internet users with huge fines
2000 Parents Call on McGraw-Hill Publishing to End Partnership with Proctorio
DC Lawmakers are trying to ram through controversial copyright changes as part of must-pass budget bill
Internet users are rising up again. No controversial copyright changes in must-pass budget bills.
Amazon: Stop Messing Around & Sell Books to Libraries
Congress: stop attacking Section 230 and the First Amendment. Pass a COVID relief bill and start actually protecting people from Big Tech abuses
Senate Republicans just intentionally kneecapped the FCC in the middle of a pandemic. They will regret it.
More than 15 civil rights groups call on Consumer Reports, CNET, Tom’s Guide and other tech review sites to suspend their recommendation of Amazon Ring cameras
Parents Launch Scorecard on YouTube Advertising