HAPPENING NOW: A key House committee is voting on net neutrality
Back in December, Ajit Pai’s FCC quietly gave cell phone companies new powers to block, delay, or charge more money for text messages they don’t like. But there’s a way to make the agency undo this.
BREAKING: bill to restore net neutrality passes key subcommittee vote unscathed
Livestream starting right now: telecom funded lawmakers have introduced amendments that would eviscerate the Save the Internet Act at a key committee vote today
LIVE: There’s a key vote on net neutrality and the whole Internet is watching
“The whole Internet is watching.” Internet protest planned ahead of key net neutrality vote next week
Congress is holding a hearing RIGHT NOW on the Save the Internet Act, the bill to restore net neutrality. Here’s a livestream, a list of committee members, and an easy way to call
Net neutrality activists launch updated congressional scoreboard and set March 15th deadline for lawmakers to cosponsor the Save the Internet Act
Breaking: net neutrality activists are crowdfunding a billboard to call out Senator Kyrsten Sinema
VIDEO: Activists bring tech “confession booth” to SXSW
Fight for the Future calls for immediate release of Chelsea Manning
Congress introduces ‘Save the Internet Act’ to overturn Ajit Pai’s disastrous net neutrality repeal and help keep the Internet 🔥
FCC “Fact Sheet” on draft broadband deployment report is light on facts, heavy on propaganda that favors big telecom
Human Rights Organizers Encourage Employees to Blow the Whistle on Unethical Tech
Fight for the Future slams bipartisan spending bill, which funds invasive surveillance technology
Internet users won’t be fooled by fake net neutrality legislation pushed by telecom shills in Congress
Civil liberties and immigration groups call on Congress to refuse funding for border surveillance “smart wall”
Web activists keep hope for net neutrality alive as open Internet defenders take the FCC to court
House lawmakers supporting the T-Mobile / Sprint merger have taken over $2.4 million dollars from telecom giants