PHOTOS: Chelsea Manning supporters deliver 100,000 signatures to Army officials ahead of Tuesday hearing on solitary confinement
TMRW: Chelsea Manning supporters to deliver 85,000 signatures to Secretary of the Army ahead of Tuesday hearing
PRESS RELEASE: Chelsea Manning faces possible indefinite solitary confinement, 50,000 sign petition opposing
Chelsea Manning Faces Solitary Confinement Under New Charges, Lawyer Says
BREAKING: Whistleblower Chelsea Manning faces possible *indefinite solitary confinement* … for an expired tube of toothpaste?
Real talk about the TPP
Senate fails to advance CISA before recess amid rising grassroots opposition
I don’t want my kid to grow up in a world without privacy
Fight for the Future statement on introduction of CISA cyber surveillance bill
BREAKING: Activists announce staggering 6.1 million faxes to flood Senate offices in opposition to CISA
Congress’s latest pet project: helping the NSA scrape the backbone of the Internet and read your emails.
PRESS RELEASE– Operation: #FaxBigBrother
CISPA is back… again! (So we’re building a robot.)
Fight for the Future statement on the passage of Fast Track trade package in the U.S. Senate.
Fight for the Future statement on defeat of Fast Track trade package in U.S. House of Representatives
House Appropriations Committee Launches Cynical Sneak Attack on the FCC’s Open Internet (“Net Neutrality”) Rules
Republican House Members Receive Rubber Stamps from Fight for the Future Ahead of Plans to “Fast Track” President Obama’s Secret Trade Agenda