VIDEO: We trekked across Oregon to save the Internet. With a 30-foot blimp!
Airplane Soars over SXSW in Austin with Message to Sen. Ted Cruz: ‘Don’t Be an Enemy of the Internet’
BREAKING: Internet activists are flying a 30-foot blimp outside all of Ron Wyden’s “Town Hall” meetings calling for him to oppose Fast Track for the TPP
Fight for the Future statement on release of FCC’s historic net neutrality rules
From the same folks that brought us SOPA
BREAKING: Grumpy Cat Soars Over Comcast Headquarters to Say “Don’t Mess With The Internet”
Statement from Fight for the Future on day of historic FCC net neutrality vote
ADVISORY: Internet activists who won the net neutrality fight prepare to celebrate victory in Washington, DC
ADVISORY: Sen. Edward Markey to Join Net Neutrality Coalition for Tuesday Press Conference
Grassroots Securing Net Neutrality: More Than One Million Calls, Emails to Congress & FCC in 2015
Yelp announces support for Title II net neutrality as 16,000 websites join the Internet Countdown, online protest seen by millions
Net neutrality activists bodyslammed, dragged from Republican FCC commissioner Ajit Pai’s press conference for holding up this banner: “85% of Republican Voters Support Net Neutrality”
Major tech companies, thousands of web users join Internet Countdown supporting FCC’s move toward Title II net neutrality rules
Against all odds
Internet Countdown organizing materials!
FCC move toward Title II net neutrality rules is a huge win for grassroots activists and Internet users
How activists beat Big Cable against all odds