Activists call on Lizzo to drop support for legislation that would harm LGBTQ youth
“Slack messages aren’t safe.” New campaign calls on Slack to implement end-to-end encryption to protect human rights
Congress is reintroducing the dangerous and widely-opposed EARN IT Act. We’ll fight it until it dies for good
[Photos] Amid rally protesting Internet Archive ruling, City of San Francisco introduces resolution in support of digital ownership for libraries
Statement on Internet Archive’s plan to appeal lower court ruling against libraries’ rights to own and preserve digital books
#DontBanTikTok campaign gains momentum as creators, advocacy organizations speak out
Fight for the Future launches new campaign to stop Big Tech from taking over your car
10,000+ Rally for the Internet Archive as Nonprofit Fights for Libraries’ Digital Rights
Music fans call out facial recognition surveillance outside John Mayer’s Madison Square Garden show
Activists Plan March 20 Digital Rally for the Internet Archive
STATEMENT: Congress must pause all Section 230 legislation until the impacts on abortion and trans healthcare are assessed
Democrats cave to corporate smear campaign against Gigi Sohn, putting net neutrality, privacy, and abortion rights at risk
Massive coalition throws weight behind reintroduced facial recognition ban bill
New #DontBanTikTok campaign calls for privacy legislation instead of hypocrisy and censorship
Statement: Major Decision on Libraries’ Digital Rights A Step Closer on March 20
STATEMENT: Rep. Emmer should center user’s financial privacy, not private sector profit
Statement on ShotSpotter Illegal Lobbying Investigation ahead of Portland Vote
Statement: Congress will fail kids if they don’t refocus on protecting everyone
Unprecedented 3rd Confirmation Hearing Confirms What We Already Knew: Gigi Sohn is Qualified for the FCC
Confirm Gigi Sohn. 40 groups say a fully staffed FCC is essential for reproductive rights.